A Workers' Web Archive

Biography: See a short biography [8.4Kb] by John Horan.
1897 Socialism & Nationalism [8.5Kb]
First published January 1897 in the Belfast-based Republican newspaper Shan Van Vocht
1908 The Irish Masses in History [5.3Kb]
First published in The Harp, September, 1908 "Roman Catholicism and Socialism" [8.9Kb]
First published in The Harp, September, 1908
1909 Ballots, Bullets, Or... [11.1Kb]
First published in The International Socialist Review, October, 1909 Sinn Fein, Socialism and the Nation [7.6Kb]
First published in Irish Nation, January 23, 1909 Socialism Made Easy [92.3Kb]
First published as a pamphlet by Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago, 1909
1910 Labour, Nationality and Religion [147Kb]
Being a discussion of the Lenten Discourses against Socialism delivered by Father Kane, SJ, in Gardiner Street Church, Dublin, 1910
First published as a Harp Library pamphlet in Dublin, August 1910. Labour in Irish History [318Kb]
Written in the United States between 1903-10
First published in monthly instalments in Workers Republic and in Labour in Irish History, Dublin, 1910
1913 A Titanic Struggle [8.2Kb]
First published in the Daily Herald, December 6, 1913 North-East Ulster [14.6Kb]
First published in Forward, August 2, 1913 and June 7, 1913 To the Linen Slaves of Belfast [6.8Kb]
Manifesto of Irish Textile Workers' Union, 1913
1914 Appeal to the Irish Working Class [5.1Kb]
Independent Labour Party of Ireland, 1914 Ireland Upon The Dissecting Table [6.5Kb]
Independent Labour Party of Ireland, April, 1914 The Isolation Of Dublin [12.9Kb]
First published in Forward, February 9, 1914 Ireland and Ulster: An Appeal to the Working Class [7.6Kb]
First published in Irish Worker, April 4, 1914
1915 A Continental Revolution [9.2Kb]
First published in Forward, 15th August 1915 Conscription [4.5Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, November 27, 1915 Diplomacy [10.7Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, November 6, 1915 Ireland - Disaffected Or Revolutionary [7.9Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, November 13, 1915 For the Citizen Army [5Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, October 30, 1915 Two Fateful Christmas Weeks [2.6Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, December 25, 1915 God Help the Poor Irish [3.2Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, September 18, 1915 Ireland's Travail and Ireland's Resurrection [6.3Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, August 7, 1915 James Keir Hardie [3Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, October 2, 1915 The Man and the Cause! [7Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, July 31, 1915 Our Disappearing Liberties [7.7Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, June 5, 1915 In Praise of the Empire [4.9Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, October 9, 1915 The Party Versus the People [5Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, September 4, 1915 Recruiting the Irish Citizen Army [1.8Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, November 6, 1915 Revolutionary Unionism and War [11.3Kb]
First published in International Socialist Review, March, 1915 The Manchester Martyrs [8.2Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, November 20, 1915 "Trust Your Leaders!" [9.2Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, December 4, 1915
1916 Last Statement of James Connolly [2.2Kb]
(given to daughter Nora Connolly on eve of murder by the British) The Call To Arms [9.7Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, April 1, 1916 The Days of March [6.7Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, March 11, 1916 The Slums and the Trenches [9Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, February 26, 1916 The Irish Flag [9.1Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, 8 April 1916 The National Festival [4.2Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, March 18, 1916 The Volunteers of '82 [7.9Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, January 8, 1916 What Is A Free Nation? [11Kb]
First published in Workers' Republic, 12 February 1916