A Workers' Web Archive


A full political biography is provided in Lenin: Life & Work by Sevin & Golikov (Novosti Press Agency, 1975) [247Kb]. Shorter biographical sketches are provided in Clara Zetkin's Recollections of Lenin (coming soon!) and Ilyich's Favourite Books [11.7Kb], a short supplement to the collection On Culture and Cultural Revolution by his wife and colleague, Nadezdha Krupskaya, offers insights into Lenin's favourite literature.
1901 Casual Notes (I. Beat -- But Not to Death! [39.9Kb]
Written in January 1901
Collected Works, Vol.4, pp.387-402 Anarchism & Socialism [4Kb]
Written in 1901
First published in 1936 in the magazine Proletarskaya Revolutsia No. 7
Collected Works, Vol. 5, pp. 327-28
1905 Petty-bourgeois and Proletarian Socialism [24.6Kb]
First published in Proletary No.24, November 7 (October 25), 1905
Collected Works, Vol.9, pp.438-46 Socialism & Anarchism [10.2Kb]
Written on November 24 (December 7), 1905
First published in Novaya Zhizn, No.21, November 25, 1905
Collected Works, Vol.10, pp.71-74 Socialism & Religion [11.7Kb]
First published in Novaya Zhizn, No. 28, December 3. 1905
Collected Works, Vol. 10, pp. 83-87
1906 Guerrilla Warfare [25.9Kb]
First published in Proletary, No. 5, September 30, 1906
Collected Works,Vol.11, pp.213-23.
1908 Marxism and Revisionism [21.8Kb]
Written not later than April 3 (16) 1908
First published in the symposium Karl Marx 1818-1883, 1908
Collected Works, Vol.15 pp.29-39
1909 Classes and Parties in their Attitude to Religion and the Church [22.1Kb]
Written on June (4)17, 1909
First published in Sotsial-Demokrat, No. 6
Collected Works, Volume 15, pp.414-423 The Attitude of the Workers' Party to Religion [26.7Kb]
Written on May 13 (28), 1909
First published in Proletary, No. 45
Collected Works, Volume 15, pp.402-413
1910 Differences in the European Labour Movement [13.3Kb]
First published in Zvezda No.1, December 16, 1910
Collected Works, Vol.16, pp.347-52
1913 The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism Fifth International Congress Against Prostitution [3.9Kb]
First published in Rabochaya Pravda No. 1, July 13, 1913
Collected Works, Vol.19, pp.260-61 Civilised Europeans and Savage Asians [3.3Kb]
First published in Pravda No.87, April 14, 1913
Collected Works, Vol.19, pp.57-58 A Great Technical Achievement [3.7Kb]
First published in Pravda No.91, April 21, 1913
Collected Works, Vol.19, pp.61-62 Capitalism & Female Labour [4.5Kb]
Written on April 27 (May 10), 1913
First published in Pravda No.102, May 5, 1913
Collected Works, Vol. 36, pp.230-31 The Working Class & Neomalthusianism [9.1Kb]
First published in Pravda No.137, June 16, 1913
Collected Works, Vol.19, pp.235-37
1914 Granat encyclopaedia article on Karl Marx Disruption of unity under cover of outcries for unity The Bourgeois Intelligentsia's Methods of Struggle Against the Worker
1915 On the Two Lines of the Revolution
1916 Imperialism and the Split in Socialism [42.3Kb]
Written in October 1916
First published in December 1916 in Sbornik Sotsial-Demokrata No.2
Collected Works Vol.23 pp.105-20 Opportunism and the Collapse of the Second International [40.9Kb]
First published in January 1916 in Vorbote No.1
Collected Works Vol.22, pp.108-20
1917 War & Revolution [56.2Kb]
A lecture delivered May 14 (27), 1917
First published in Pravda No. 23 April 23, 1929
Collected Works, Vol.24, pp.398-421. Letter to Comrades [56.1Kb]
Written October 17 (30), 1917
First published in Rabochy Put Nos. 40, 41 and 42, November 1, 2 and 3 (October 19, 20 and 21), 1917
Collected Works, Vol.26, pp.195-215 Marxism & Insurrection [17.3Kb]
A Letter to the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.)
Written September 13-14 (26-27), 1917
First published in 1921 in the magazine Proletarskaya Revolutsia No.2
Collected Works, Vol.26, pp.22-27 Can the Bolsheviks Retain State Power? [136Kb]
First published in 1918 in the pamphlet Can the Bolsheviks Retain State Power?, "Soldiers' and Peasants' Library" Series, St. Petersburg The Bolsheviks Must Assume Power [10.4Kb]
A Letter to the Central Committee and the Petrograd and Moscow Committees of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.)
Written September 12-14 (25-27), 1917
First published in 1921 in the magazine Proletarskaya Revolutsia No.2
Collected Works, Vol.26, pp.19-21
1919 Letter to Sylvia Pankhurst [17.2Kb]
First published in September 1919 in the magazine The Communist International
Collected Works, Vol.29, pp.561-66 Soviet Power & the Status of Women [8.5Kb]
First published in Pravda No.249, November 6, 1919.
Collected Works, Vol.30, pp.120-23)
This edition from the pamphlet Soviet Power & the Status of Women/International Working Women's Day, Tasks of the Working Women's Movement in the Soviet Republic [15.5Kb]
Speech delivered at the Fourth Moscow City Conference of Non-Party Working Women, September 23, 1919
First published in Pravda No. 213, September 25, 1919
Collected Works Vol. 30 pp. 40-46
1920 Left-Wing Communism -- an Infantile Disorder To the Working Women [3.5Kb]
Written on February 21, 1920
First published in Pravda No.40, February 22, 1920
Collected Works, Vol.30, pp. 371-72 Tasks of the Youth Leagues [40.2Kb]
Speech delivered at the Third All-Russia Congress of the Russian Young Communist League, October 2, 1920
First published in Pravda Nos. 221, 222 and 223, October 5, 6 and 7, 1920
Collected Works, Vol. 31, April-December 1920
1921 International Working Women's Day [5.8Kb]
Written March 4, 1921
First published on March 8,1921, in a supplement to Pravda No.51
Collected Works, Vol.32, pp.161-63
This edition from the pamphlet Soviet Power & the Status of Women/International Working Women's Day
1922 Five Years of the Russian Revolution and the Prospects of the World Revolution [25.3Kb]
From Report to the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, November 13, 1922
Collected Works Vol. 33, pp. 418-28


1936: Marx - Engels - Marxism
(New WWW edition in progress!)
(Volume 10 of the Marxist-Leninist Library series)
Edited by J. Fineberg.
First Edition printed in USSR.
Second Edition printed in Great Britain, Lawrence & Wishart Ltd., 1936.