An RCG Archive

Biography: John MacLean (1879-1923) was a Scottish schoolteacher and Marxist educator. His Marxist evening-classes produced many of the activists who became instrumental in the Clyde revolts during and after WWI. MacLean was appointed both an Honorary President of the first Congress of Soviets and Soviet Consul to Scotland in recognition of his consistent socialist position on the imperialist war and his tireless work in support of the Bolshevik revolution. MacLean was at odds with much of the British left and dismissive of the newly-formed Communist Party of Great Britain. He had already turned his back on economism and the syndicalism favoured by the Clyde Workers' Committee, had recognised the nature of British imperialism and come to the conclusion that revolution could only come about through the destruction of the British Empire. He died on 30th November, 1923.
1907 Time-saving and Karl Marx
First published in Justice, 14 December 1907
The Greenock 'Jungle'
First published as a pamphlet in 1907
1908 An Affair of Outposts
Published In Justice 23 May
Education in Scotland

Published in Justice 19 September
Great Britain and Germany
Published in Justice 5 December
1911 The Foundation of the British Socialist Party
First published in Justice December 9, 1911
1917 Letter on first release from prison
First published in The Call, 19 July 1917
Lead from Lanarkshire
First published in The Call, 9 August 1917
Working Class Education
First published in The Call, 6 September 1917
Clyde Labour
First published in The Call, 11 October 1917
Russian Political Refugees Defence Committee
First published in The Call, 29 November 1917
1918 letter
First published in The Call, 18 April 1918
Speech from the Dock
Delivered at the High Court, Edinburgh on May 9, 1918
First published in The Call, 12 December 1918
An Acid Test of Sincerity
First published in The Call, 29 December 1918
The War After the War
The War After the War in the Light of Working Class Economics
Glasgow Economics Class pamphlet No.1
Published by the Scottish Labour College.
1919 Now's the Day and Now's the Hour
First published in The Call, January 23, 1919
Coal and Cotton
First published in The Call, March 20, 1919
The Coal Compromise
First published in The Call, March 27, 1919
Will Capitalism Collapse?
First published in The Call August 28, 1919
Capitalists Everywhere Accept Marxism
First published in The Worker, November 1, 1919
The Trade Union Congress and After
First published in The Call, 25 September, 1919
1920 Away with the Idle Rich
First published in The Call, 22 January 1920
"The Vanguard" resurrected
First published in The Vanguard, May 1920
The Irish Tragedy: Scotland's Disgrace..
First published as a pamphlet in 1920
The Unemployed
First published in The Vanguard, November 1920
A Scottish Communist Party
First published in The Vanguard, December, 1920
1921 Open letter to Lenin
First published in The Socialist January 30, 1921
1923 Election Manifesto 1923
Candidature of John MacLean M.A.,Republican, 23rd November 1923
Related material: The John MacLean March
by Hamish Henderson
The Ballad of John MacLean
by Matt McGinn