FRFI 261 Dec 2017/Jan 2018 - Grenfell Fire - Getting away with murder

frfi 261Imperialism & Crisis

Big Pharma’s drive for profit threatens ‘antibiotics apocalypse’

Paradise Papers - The offshore magic circle


Police & Prisons

Inside News - FRFI 261 Dec 2017/Jan 2018

Long Lartin prisoners protest

Housing and Welfare

Universal Credit - bleeding the poor

Grenfell Fire - Getting away with murder

Action in solidarity with Grenfell survivors

Haringey Labour ‘left’ fails to dent progress of HDV

Racism permeates housing at every level

Rotten Boroughs - Newham Labour council leads the way


NHS: back on the precipice

Socialist History

Hands off Russia - The Russian Revolution and The British Labour Movement


Catalonia and the fight against the Spanish state

Latin America

Acoustic illusion: pretext for renewed US hostility to Cuba

Venezuela: crucial election victory for socialists

Close Guantanamo! Free or put on trial the final prisoners

Chile presidential election: Frente Amplio success

Colombian government impedes peace process

United States

Trump and US Capitalism - Beyond the clowning

Middle East

Lebanon Saudi terrorists target Hezbollah

Palestine: Abbas sides with Saudi Arabia


Imperialism eyes renewed plunder of Zimbabwe in post-Mugabe era


China: no Shangri-la for capitalism


Letters - FRFI 261 Dec 2017/Jan 2018